If its too dark sweetheart just close your eyes

take a deep breath between your battle cries

a twinkling starlight will arise

at the end of every tunnel, and every goodbye.

do not be afraid to follow it through, 

 rebirthing a new you

the third eye tears up and stars cry

turning war paint golden as they dry.

Take another deep breath

as the Creatrix, so wise

this ancient spiral has a gifted surprise:

that every precious, fighting heart has already realized

That All things Dark  are Divinity in Disguise.

Shop Creatrix

Live Painting Creatrix with Fantuzzi at The Grand Opening Concert of the Aloha Wellness Center, Hilo Hawai’i

Live Painting Creatrix with Fantuzzi at The Grand Opening Concert of the Aloha Wellness Center, Hilo Hawai’i

Just taking this process seriously as usual.

Just taking this process seriously as usual.
